Opening a Back Solution Clinic during a global Pandemic
We recently sat down with co-founder Daniel Rodgers and asked the burning questions as to why its an unbelievable time to open a Back Solution clinic:
Why should someone consider opening a Back Solution Clinic during the middle of global pandemic?
‘Ultimately is there ever a perfect time to open a business or a franchise? No matter the time there’s always going to be hurdles, now whether we're in the middle of global pandemic or in a recession there's never an ideal time because you'll always have situations popup that are less than ideal.
‘The appeal of opening a Back Solutions Clinic is being in the health industry you could argue that we are almost recession-proof. Now this doesn't just go for a Back Solution Clinic this goes for the health industry in general and it's very rare you'll find people that don't care about their health, in my opinion health is wealth and if you don't have your health you don't have anything else.’
‘Every City, every state, every country around the world has dealt with covid-19 in different ways. For example, here in Australia we got locked down completely, in fact we had one of the strictest lockdowns of anywhere in the world. Ultimately when we came out of lockdown we came back into the city and it felt like nearly every second place was for rent, on the flip side we came back to one of the busiest months we’ve ever had reiterating how important health is for people as we now can't keep up with the demand.’
‘During this time, we found people would go without certain thing in life such as, going out for dinners, seeing friends, going to the cinemas but one thing people won’t negotiate on is if there in pain, they’re going to get help. The same thing happened during the last recession we didn’t have any clientele drop-off whatsoever, pain doesn’t discriminate, in fact during stressful periods people are more prone to pain making our services more sought after.’
Why will Back Solution Clinic prosper during this time and moving forward?
‘Every business is looking forward to how they are going to grow, integrate, prosper and grow post covid-19 and granted the World may look different for the next few months and in some sectors even years’
‘We know Back Solution Clinic during this time is an opportunity not a setback. The way the business has been structured is to create a win-win for the franchisee and the franchisor’
‘Our business model is an extremely low investment compared to other franchises, it has a proven marketing model and not only that we have such minimal overheads compared to other big franchisees out in the market today.’
‘When we look back at the last recession as well as covid-19 we've learnt from the past. Because Back Solutions Clinic is so lean and ran on minimal overheads, we don't carry the stress of what a lot of large companies and franchisees are carrying at the moment. The stress of worrying about employing twenty, thirty or even hundreds of people, or paying exuberant amounts of rent, and your overheads continually climbing up, this is why this clinic not only during covid-19 or a future recession makes it so marketable for potential franchisee’s, not only short term but long term as well as the risk is minimised significantly’
‘This business model gives everyone an opportunity to be a franchisee and a business owner without spending excessive amounts of financial waste which is a common trait of what a lot of clinics and companies do. For example, a lot of people will focus on the superficial belongings placed inside a clinic like a colleague of mine who spent close to $50,000 on a treatment table. The reality is your patients don't care about that $50,000 table they care about the results. If we're providing results for our patients and providing a system for our franchisees to prosper and succeed, we see that is a real win/win. By having this model, we are able to provide more care to patients, provide a great opportunity to the franchisee and serve the community during this interesting time of our lives.
Will Physical Therapy still be needed throughout and post covid-19?
‘Pre covid, during covid, and post covid, physical therapy is and will always remain an essential service in an essential industry’
‘The statistics alone suggest that physical therapy is growing at a rapid pace and will continue to grow it a rapid pace. We live in a world with active people, as well as inactive people which both can lead to pain, as well as an aging race requiring more and more care’
‘One of the true benefits with covid-19 is how many people that you typically wouldn't think would walk through your doors have sought out physical therapy and seeing the true advantages of experiencing physical therapy. These people have been at home for prolonged periods of time, using computers for a long period of time and needing much needed treatments’
‘The fact of the matter is Covid -19 has strengthened the physical therapy community and I have no doubt it will keep getting stronger each year.’