Contact Information
First Name:
Last Name:
City, State Zip:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Business Phone:
Email Address:
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Spouse's Occupation:
Spouse's Employer:
Total Dependents:
Are you a US Citizen?
If not, what country?
Employment History
Company Name:
Candidate's Title:
Company Address:
Employed From:
Duties and Responsibilities:
Company Name:
Candidate's Title:
Company Address:
Employed From:
Duties and Responsibilities:
Education History
Highest Education level Completed:
School/University Name:
Year Graduated:
Scholastic/Professional Certifications:
1. What brings you to the point of looking for a franchise now? What's driving this search?
2. How long have you been looking for a franchise?
3. If you do not currently own your business, have you ever owned your own business before? If so, what type?
4. What excites you MOST about owning a business?
5. Would you plan to spend full-time in this business? (If not, please explain your other obligations)
6. What is the time frame in which you would like to begin your new business? How quickly would you like to get started?
7. Have you looked at any franchises or businesses concepts? Have you spoken with any Franchisors or Brokers?
8. Have you ever been in a sales position? If so, how would you rank your sales ability? (Scale: 1 - 10)
9. In your career, have you ever managed any employees? If so, what is the most you managed?
10. Will you have a spouse or partner in the business with you?
11. What are your biggest FEARS (if any) about owning a business? Is there anything that would prevent you from starting a business right now? What would hold you back?
12. What types of TASKS do you enjoy doing the MOST - (STRENGTHS)?
13. What types of TASKS do you enjoy doing the LEAST - (WEAKNESSES - Areas of Development Required)?
14. Have you ever served in the military?
15. Hobbies / Interest: What do you like to do in your free time?
16. Would you say you are more of an introvert or an extrovert?
17. Would you say you are more Task Oriented or People Oriented?
18. Are you more Fast Paced or Slow Paced?
19. Do you prefer to work from home, office or a retail environment?
20. What amount of liquid capital are you comfortable in investing? How do you plan to finance your business?
21. How much income do you need or expect from your business?
22. Do you know your Net Worth? What types of investments comprise your net worth?
23. Do you own your own home? What is its value? / Equity?
24. Please enter your credit score here.
25. Have you or your spouse ever declared bankruptcy? If so, please explain
Financial Questions
26. What cash do you have on hand?
27. Do you have Retirement Funds in an IRA or 401K? If yes, then what is the amount?
28. Do you have Stock or Bonds? If so, what is total value of your Stocks/Bonds Portfolio?
29. Are you the sole investor or is there a partner?